Category: INFO & TICKETS

hey all presale closed. Tickets available at door

5pm entry for early art-$10 (does not include music)

6pm-9pm entry for art show ONLY- $5

MUSIC and ART tix- $20

See you all there!!


So we made shirts for the participating visual artists and staff and liked them so much we made a few extra to sell at the general merch booth. Men or Women’s they have a 1943 roadster bicycle blasting off in the bottom left hand corner of the front of the shirt. Leaving in it’s wake is a wrap around to the back print of fractaling LSD molecules.

The meaning behind all this. In 1943 Albert Hoffman discovered LSD 25 while working in his lab. Assuming the compound to be useless for what he was trying to create, he decided to re-examine it on its own merits after a “trippy” experience in which he had absorbed a bit through his skin. So on a spring day in 1943 Hoffman ingested 250 mics of pure LSD (this is an enormous dosage for LSD but for most drugs considered a very low dosage). Once the drug kicked in, Hoffman freaked out a bit, jumped on his BICYCLE and quickly rode home. This shirt design is a graphic representation of that bike ride.

1943 Roadster BICYCLE shirt front

LSD Fractal BICYCLE shirt back

to read more about this: Albert Hoffman’s Bike Ride


There’s been some confusion around the name of our event. “Why Bicycle” people have asked. One artist we contacted thought it was to be an exhibit on bicycles, pictures dedicated to them. Not so. BICYCLE was named first and foremost for Dr. Albert Hofmann. For those of you who don’t know, Dr. Hofmann is a Swiss scientist who in the 1940’s synthesized the compound lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). After a strange reaction to some of this compound getting on his skin, Dr. Hofmann decided to self experiment with what would be the recommended dosage for reaction to a typical compound. In his own words :

Exercising extreme caution, I began the planned series of experiments with the smallest quantity that could be expected to produce some effect, considering the activity of the ergot alkaloids known at the time: namely, 0.25 mg (mg = milligram = one thousandth of a gram) of lysergic acid diethylamide tartrate. Quoted below is the entry for this experiment in my laboratory journal of April 19, 1943. The first section contains notes on the production of the tartrate (tartaric acid salt) of LSD.

4/19/43 16:20: 0.5 cc of Vi promil aqueous solution of diethylamide tartrate orally = 0.25 mg tartrate. Taken diluted with about 10 cc water. Tasteless.

17:00: Beginning dizziness, feeling of anxiety, visual distortions, symptoms of paralysis, desire to laugh.

Supplement of 4/21: Home by bicycle. From 18:00-ca. 20:00 most severe crisis. (See special report.)

“Home by BICYCLE”. And then what followed was undoubtedly an extraordinary experience, one that would have terrified most, but Dr. Hofmann saw the intrinsic value in LSD-25.

A few people have pointed out that “bicycle day” is on April 19, the day of the actual ride. This party is not a “bicycle day” celebration, the name is simply an ode to the spirit of Dr. Hofmann. A man who had an idea about something, a hunch and instead of letting it go, moved forward with it, and in doing so brought the ancient tribal concept of the substance assisted spiritual and psychological “trip” into the modern age and made this experience accessible to all. In a way the artists that are showcasing at BICYCLE do the same, through the images they create they open the doors of the viewers consciousness on an unconscious level. This form of art brought together with music, another vehicle of conscious elevation, propels the growth of the spirit in ways we are sometimes unaware of on the surface.

And so we come to the second reason this event is called BICYCLE. A bicycle is a self powered vehicle. There is no outward source of energy that propels it except yourself (and possibly gravity, it is San Francisco after all!). BICYCLE hopes people are inspired by the art they see and hear to propel themselves forward in search of the deeper cosmic awakening that is happening on this planet. We stand on the edge of a great moment in history. A time foretold  by ancient cultures worldwide: the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, The Hopis and Mayans Fifth World, the end of the Hindu Kali Age and quite possibly the Revelations of the Christian bible.  We all have the ability to be self propelled into a higher consciousness.

And so in the words of the late, great Freddy Mercury, “GET ON YOUR BIKES AND RIDE”.

We’re very excited to invite you to the inaugural celebration of BICYCLE at CLUB 6IX in the Mission Area of San Francisco. We couldn’t ask for better artists or a better city to kick off what we plan on becoming a bi-annual, bi-coastal event. Our aim is to bring psychedelic and visionary art to a whole new audience, helping to drive forward the creative and cosmic consciousness that has started with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
It came to our notice that as the visionary and psychedelic art scene has grown it has habitually been tied to certain types of events and music. When links like this occur it is a very positive experience for those involved but can be off putting to people uninterested or unaware of those scenes. BICYCLE would like to drive forward public awareness of the positive effects of psychedelics, visions, cosmic consciousness, the Age of Aquarius, the dawning of the Hopi fifth world, the Mayan prophecies, sacred geometry, crop circles and all the myriad positive occurrences that are happening in this universe and being told about through art. BICYCLE also plans to expand peoples understanding of what it means to be a visionary or psychedelic artist by holding a juried exhibit that includes poster artists, fine artists, comic book artists, illustrators, graffiti writers and really artists of any discipline who are trying to tell a positive message through their work.

5:00 – 10:00 pm
ART Show featuring Stanley Mouse, Alan Forbes, Dave Hunter, Tripp Sheally, David D’Andrea, Chor Boogie, Erin Cadigan, Michael Matel, Kyle Carter, Mark McCloud and the Blotter Barn and I.A.M.U. representing artists: Mark Henson, Android Jones, Xavi and Carey Thompson
9:00 pm – 2 am
MUSIC showcasing upstairs DJ Sleepyhead, Kaptain Harris and CoopDVille. Downstairs Main Stage starts off with DJ Citizen Ten joined at 10 by MC Abstract Rude, headlined by a 3 hour set by DJ Logic.


ALL TICKETS $20 DAY OF (no music only)